By D. Ray Kerchal (June 2019)

 Gold Whistles:  The first 100 fish whistles produced were painted gold and numbered on the same side as Bryan`s signature.  Ninety (90) of these whistles were distributed to Bryan`s friends and family members with recipient names added to the reverse sides of the whistles. The number 1 whistle, along with the original, went to Roy Rickis.  The number 2 whistle is shown below as an example.  Note that the “2” is located on the tail and the recipient is named on the reverse view.  The unissued whistles were numbered 23, 90-93 and 95-99.  Note that whistles numbered 6 and 7, issued to Bryan`s grandparents, were returned to me through estate distributions.

Gold Wistle

Gold Whistle

Prototype:  this whistle is unique.  It is the one and only prototype produced by the BVK Memorial Fund.  It is almost identical to the whistle signed by Bryan Kerchal except for three minor differences: (1) The side fin behind the gill is missing, (2) The top front fin is tubular rather than being a natural looking fin and (3) The eye is a simple bump with no center eyeball.  The only change made for the production fish was the color.  It was determined that a bright green would stand out more in pictures and videos.  The prototype is in my possession.


Production Whistle: Distributed from 1995 to present.

Production Whistle

Mystery Fish Whistle: I have had this whistle in my possession for approximately 15 years but I have no idea when, where or how it came into my possession.  It appears that it came from the same mold as Bryan’s original, signed whistle.  The overall size and all details precisely match the original.  This whistle was recently sent to Thomas Spears in Louisiana in memory of his grandfather.

 Mystery Fish Whistle

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