Bryan's Fishing Camp 2003

Tournament Winners


Candlewood Lake – August 11-15
By Ray Kerchal

This year, during the sixth consecutive year for Bryan’s Fishing Camp, boys and girls in the A Group (first timers) were outstanding! On tournament day in Group A (any species of fish allowed), Benjamin Gillotte (age 9) of Danbury, CT placed 1st in the big fish category with a 14.21 pound carp. He also caught a 2.68 pound bass. Nicola Gillotte (age 7) of Danbury won the 1st place trophy for most fish caught (98). Second place finisher, Giseldo Hernandez of Danbury also had 98 fish but lost the tiebreaker, which was based on the weight of their biggest fish.

In Group B (any species of fish allowed), Casey Popke and Cody Gillotti, both of Danbury, finished 1st and 2nd for most fish caught (84 & 82). Ethan Farrar, age 8, of South Royalton, VT caught the lunker, which weighed. 3.60 pounds. Only .01 pound separated 1st and 2nd place. Michael Fisher of Pleasantville, NY brought in a 3.59 pound bass!

In Group C (bass fishing only), Richard McNamare of Danbury, CT took 1st place in the Friday tournament. Richard’s five fish limit weighed in at 11.50 pounds. His adult boat captain was Terry Baksay of Monroe, Connecticut. Cameron Blossom of St. Albans, VT took 2nd in the tournament with a total of 8.39 pounds and also took 1st place for lunker with a 3.83 pound bass. Alex Clawson of Bristol, CT took 3rd with 7.49 pounds. A third trophy was presented to Cameron for landing the biggest bass during the week, a 5.1 pound fish, which he caught on Thursday. Cameron has won a lunker trophy three straight years.

The Bryan Kerchal Memorial Fund sponsors Bryan’s Fishing Camp. It teaches fishing techniques and an appreciation for the protection and preservation of our water and fishery resources. Thanks to our 46 volunteer boat captains, 56 children, ages 7 through 13, participated in the largest camp to date. At the end of the week, all new participants received a tackle box from PLANO, a spinning rod & reel and a bag containing hooks, soft and hard plastic lures, a knot book and other miscellaneous items. The advanced anglers received an assortment of hard plastic and wood lures. Additional companies donating products included LUNKER CITY, LUCKY CRAFT, LUHR-JENSEN, DARTER BAITS, GARY YAMAMOTO CUSTOM BAITS, GENE LAREW TACKLE, PURE FISHING, KINAMI BAIT CO, TOURNAMENT FORCE TACKLE and N.E.H. TROPHIES. STOP & SHOP again donated food and drinks for the Friday weigh-in and Patrick Mohan at CANDLEWOOD BAIT AND TACKLE of Danbury donated the live bait used during the week.

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